

We stand on the shoulders of our volunteers.

Thank You for Volunteering

Join us at St. George Table – enjoy the company
of our friendly staff and extend a helping hand to
the less fortunate.

Jupiter Christian & Christ Fellowship Church  partner to serve hot meals and groceries.

Duane Thomas and Redick Brown served up a good meal for our guests. 

Served 194 meals and 175 hot lunches complimented with 75+ haircuts and manicures. 

We appreciate the work of the health & beauty professionals.

We are thankful for the support of Holy Trinity Episcopal Church.

Denise Preston, Serving Coordinator, stands with a Score Academy student and administrator who provided St. George Table with 600 snack bags. 

Molina Healthcare providing information for our “guests” .

God loves a cheerful giver. 

Our team making 200 delicious meals .

Helping others feel good about mental health and well being.

Join Our Fight !

We believe in the inherent dignity of all people. Can we count on you to join us?